Meet Our Staff

David Prentiss
President & CEO

Elisa Birdseye

Roberta Kennedy
Director of Concert Operations

Mike Daniels
Youth Orchestra Coordinator

Spencer Aston
Youth Orchestra Senior Conductor

Matthew Gomes
Director of Finance

Abigail Smith
Operations and Program Coordinator

Conee Sousa
Director of Marketing and Public Relations

Janice Weber
Artistic Director of the South Coast Chamber Series

Terry Wolkowicz
Director of Education

Wesley Hopper
Personnel Manager

Adam Jeffreys
Education Specialist
Board of Trustees and Advisory Council Members
Board of Trustees
Sandria R. Parsons, Chair
Geoff Swett, Treasurer
Prof. Susan J. Leclair, Clerk
Jan Bichsel
Janet Coquillette
Robert B. Feingold, Esq.
Dr. Albert J. Fox
Kevin Hamilton
Eric Huber, Musician Trustee
Raina V. Lamade, Ph.D.
Paul A. Lamoureux
Dr. Alvin Marcovici
Susan Mead
Jennifer Memoli, Musician Trustee
Edward Ottensmeyer
Barry Steinberg
Margot Stone
Alexandra Woodruff
Advisory Council
Talbot Baker, Jr.
Andrea Daskalakis
Priscilla Ditchfield
Michael A. Esposito
Richard Grahn
Sharon Grahn
Thomas Hallam
Dorothy A. Hebden-Heath
Sally Johnston
Andy Kotsatos
Philip Lima
Michael P. Malone
Pamela Norweb
Margot Schmid
Michael Sudofsky
Marjorie Waite
Janet Whitla
Ann Ziegler
In Memoriam
Lillian Lamoureux:
Board of Trustees, 1979-2017
Board President, 1981-1999
President Emerita, 1999-2017
Joan Underwood:
Board of Trustees, 2009-2018
Advisory Council, 2018-2024
John Mannix
Board of Trustees, 2010-2016
Advisory Council, 2016-2024