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A New Bedford Collage

Saturday, September 28, 2024, 7:30 PM
Bronspiegel Auditorium, New Bedford High School

Yaniv Dinur, conductor

Jazz Quartet: Ben Cook (piano), Dave Zinno (bass), Max Goldman (drums), Dino Govoni (tenor sax)
KabuJazz Ensemble featuring Candida Rose
Ethan Wood, NBSO Assistant Concertmaster

Richard Wagner: Prelude to Tristan und Isolde
Jazz Quartet: Jamming on Wagner’s “Tristan Chord”
KabuJazz Ensemble: Love Each Other Through, Sodade
Giovanni Gabrieli: Canzon per sonar duodecimi toni a 8
Johann Sebastian Bach: Chaconne
Johannes Brahms: Symphony No. 4

We’ve all made collages as kids, or with our kids. In this concert we create a musical collage for you with some Cape Verdean music, some jazz, and of course some classical. The different groups will be set up around the auditorium so you will be part of the collage too, and hear the music all around you.

This concert features New Bedford-based jazz giant Dino Govoni, New Bedford legend Candida Rose, New Bedford resident (and NBSO Assistant Concertmaster) Ethan Wood, and (we suppose this goes without saying …) your New Bedford Symphony Orchestra! The concert ends with Brahms’ very large, emotional, and beautiful Symphony No. 4. It’s a perfect way to capture everything our community means to us.

In the art world, a collage gives the artist the freedom to create a beautiful visual experience using many different and even seemingly unrelated objects. We have created this New Bedford Collage to give you that experience through music. This concert celebrates the amazing talent we have in our community and the creativity that is unleashed when we break down barriers and join forces to express the joy and beauty inside every one of us. Immerse yourself in this experience and see what effect it has on you!

Click here to view the next concert.

Arrive early for pre-concert fun! Starting at 6:00 PM, four local artists will provide hands-on activities and collage related art to enjoy in the lobby. (Please note: There will be no pre-concert talk with Yaniv on this evening.)

Friday, September 27, 4 – 6:30 PM
Bronspiegel Auditorium
Seating is general admission, and no tickets or RSVP are required. The rehearsal piece will be Johannes Brahms: Symphony No. 4.  A 20-minute break usually occurs between 5 and 5:30. Come and go as you please! To prevent disrupting the rehearsal process, we kindly ask that applause be reserved for the end of the session..

Candida Rose
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