The 2023-2024 Final Three Concerts
To receive your 3 concert subscription at 50% off, please call Abigail:
508-999-6276 ext 222 by noon, March 8.
Purchase all three concerts with no ticketing fees!
Section A – 3 concerts for $87 per person
Section B – 3 concerts for $67.50 per person
Section C – 3 concerts for $27 per person
This offer is valid through noon on March 8, 2024.

Saturday, March 16, 7:30 PM
Bronspiegel Auditorium
Yaniv Dinur, conductor
Jesse Holstein, violin
Anna Griffis, viola
Andreia Pinto Correia: Acanto
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Sinfonia Concertante
Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphony No. 3 “Eroica”
Portuguese composer Andreia Pinto Correia was inspired to write Acanto by the growth patterns of a plant that is native to the Mediterranean region, acanthus mollis. We experience a different type of growth in Mozart’s beloved Sinfonia Concertante, a work in which Mozart greatly expanded his conception of how soloists and orchestra can interweave their playing. The close connection between soloists and orchestra that Mozart wanted is just what our soloists, NBSO concertmaster Jesse Holstein and principal violist Anna Griffis, who know our orchestra from the inside out, will provide. Beethoven’s third symphony represents his own growth from the influence and musical debt he owed Mozart. This is the symphony where Beethoven declared his own, unique genius, which has shaped what we expect an orchestra to sound like to this very day.

Saturday, April 13, 7:30 PM
Bronspiegel Auditorium
Yaniv Dinur, conductor
Katherine Chi, piano
Sergei Prokofiev: Suite from The Love for Three Oranges
Brian Raphael Nabors: Pulse for Orchestra
Johannes Brahms: Piano Concerto No. 2
It should not come as a surprise by now that Yaniv likes to provide our audiences with memorable listening experiences. In this concert, he offers us many contrasts – in other words, three pieces of music that couldn’t be more different from one another! We begin with an upbeat rhythmic jaunt in Pulse for Orchestra by American composer Brian Raphael Nabors. Then we switch to the witty and even prickly music of Prokofiev’s delicious The Love for Three Oranges. Finally, we have one more switch, to the massive, overpowering sound of Brahms, whose second piano concerto is often called a “symphony with piano.” Pianist Katherine Chi, whom critics describe as “compelling, cogent, sensational,” returns for her second engagement with the NBSO.

The Way of Passion
Saturday, May 18, 7:30 PM
Bronspiegel Auditorium
Yaniv Dinur, conductor
Sergei Babayan, piano
Sergei Prokofiev: Piano Concerto No. 2
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6 “Pathétique”
Prokofiev’s second piano concerto has been described as “filled with wild passions” and Tchaikovsky gave his sixth symphony the name “Pathétique,” which from the original Russian is better translated as “passion, deep emotion.” In both these works, the composers plumb the depths of all that music can make us feel. Be prepared! The legendary Armenian-American pianist Sergei Babayan, known for his spontaneity and surprises at the keyboard, joins us for the first time.